Daily skin care plays an important and supportive roll in dermatological treatments. Whether for skin conditions such as impurities (pimples or blackheads), redness and irritations, pigmentation and age spots as well as for aesthetic treatments with lasers, neuromodulators, filler, thread lifting or after peelings, the right skin care is essential.
In such cases, we also recommend to our patients the innovative Swiss functional skincare from Filabé. These microfiber wipes are loaded with active ingredients for cleansing, exfoliating and nourishing the skin with zero additives. They restore and support the skin’s natural balance without leaving any oily residue.
Filabé offers six different products for individual skincare needs in the areas of prevention and repair. Dermatologist Dr. Schnitzler and his cosmetologist-team will gladly consult you on which Filabé best suits your needs.

Additionally, the microfiber wipes are cruelty-free, vegan and environmentally friendly: after use, the wipes may be returned to Filabé for recycling by using the in the pre-posted bag included with each package.
Filabé facial wipes can be obtained anytime at the derma competence center. Our dermatology practice also offers a special discount code to our patients, which you can use to order products directly on the Filabé website.
More information at: www.filabe.ch