The Coronavirus and its effects are now of concern to everyone. Also, our skin is showing the effects, especially on the hands. We are here for you for as much as we can be.
Due to the recommended frequent washing and disinfection of the hands, the normal protective coating of the skin is also being affected. Without this natural barrier, the skin becomes dry and itchy and subsequently results in red, flaky, chapped skin. This is particularly true for our hands. Such irritations may become so extreme that the skin begins to crack and fissure. The scaly, red, and inflamed skin may also be the signs of a developing hand eczema. Dr. Schnitzler is currently seeing more and more of such cases in his dermatology practice in Zurich Enge.
Who is especially susceptible?
In this difficult time when everyone is doing all they can to protect themselves from the Coronavirus, many are confronted with this dilemma.
People who already have a predisposition to dry skin and dry hands are affected the most. This again pertains especially to the elderly and includes those who due to their jobs have frequent contact with water or must frequently wash their hands. In particular, people who already suffer from existing conditions like neurodermatitis or contact allergies agonize.
How bad is the condition of the skin on my hands?
If the skin is already very damaged there is an additional danger that pathogens (germs, bacteria) can no longer be stopped by the weakened protective barrier. This can pave the way for further skin disorders to creep in. A precise assessment of the dryness and inflammation is of course necessary by a skin doctor such as, dermatologist Dr. Schnitzler in the derma competence center in Zurich Enge. He can determine exactly if the skin is just dry or if inflammation has developed into an eczema and determine the appropriate therapy.
What can I do, how do I re-moisturize?
The base of skincare relies of course on sufficient moisturizing. This should be done as much as possible after every handwashing and use of disinfectant. Dermatologist Dr. Schnitzler also recommends to his patients to use a moisturizing soap.
If the diagnosis indicates that the reddening, scales and inflammation have progressed so far that basic skincare is not enough, a skin doctor must intervene. In this advanced stage, the use of anti-inflammatory medicinal creams containing cortisone among other active ingredients can be prescribed by a dermatologist.
For questions and further diagnosis of changes in the skin on your hands, Dr. Schnitzler and his Team remain at your service in Zurich Enge in this difficult time.