New expansion for the dermatology practice in Zurich Enge
As of the end of October, the reception, registration and waiting area, as well as the medical division of the dermatology center is located on the ground floor at Bodmerstrasse 4 in Zurich Enge.
This is where the patient is primarily admitted for medical, aesthetic, and cosmetic issues as well as examinations by dermatologist Dr. med. Hero P.D. Schnitzler and dermatologist Dr. med Jörg- Ulrich Fechner.
The new rooms on the ground floor are available for medical services, skin operations, treatment in the UV light cabin, innovative treatments of warts, skin cancer, allergies and much more.
The resulting spatial capacities on the 1st floor will in future be used for aesthetic therapies such as laser treatments for small atheromas, age spots and age warts, tattoo removal, disturbing blood vessels and spider veins.
Treatments against wrinkles with fillers, threads and neuromodulation, radio frequency and high-intensity focused ultrasound (Hifu), treatments for drooping eyelids with plasma energy, and PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) against hair loss and skin build-up are also carried out on the first floor.
Cosmetic treatments by our cosmetologists with skin care advice, chemical peelings, laser hair removal and much more takes place on the 1st floor at Bodmerstrasse 4 in Zurich Enge.
We look forward to welcoming you to our newly expanded premises, make an appointment here!