
Hair loss is an immense problem for men as well as women. Those who are affected often suffer enormously. They have the fear of losing all or almost all their hair. Men as well as women want to prevent hair loss. They want to deter hair loss or search for therapies against it.

Through a targeted diagnosis, dermatologist and hair loss specialist Dr. Schnitzler in Zurich Enge can determine the cause of hair loss (alopecia).

@artinspiring – AdobeStock
Differences in hair loss in men and women

Afterwards, treatment can begin, or preventative measures taken against hereditary hair loss in men and women.

Table of contents

1. What is hair loss?

Following the normal hair cycle, all people lose between 70 and 100 scalp hairs every day. But they grow back.

Hair loss is the term used to describe the loss of hair that does not grow back for various reasons. Some types of hair loss are temporary, and dermatologists refer to this as telogen effluvium. If, however, visible clearing of the main hair can be seen, dermatologists speak of alopecia.

2. Which form of hair loss is the most common in men and women?

Hereditary hair loss, also known as androgenetic hair loss, androgenetic alopecia, or familial androgenetic alopecia, is the most common form. More than two-thirds of all men and almost every second woman suffer from this normal hormonal-related development of aging.

3. What does familial androgenetic hair loss look like?

different stages of hair loss in men and women @artinspiring – AdobeStock

3.1. Hair loss in men

Hair loss in men progresses to the point of baldness @Sebastian – AdobeStock

In men, hair loss begins on the forehead hairline and on the back of the head. This leads to the receding hairline on the side of the temples and tonsure on the back of the head.

Without hair loss prevention or hair loss treatment, these sparse areas will spread further, and if the hair loss if left untreated, only a fringe of hair on the back of the head and over the ears remains.

3.2. Hair loss in women

Hormonal hair loss can also develop in women, especially during menopause but also at a young age. A hair loss specialist should prevent or treat further hair loss.

Hair loss in women results in hair loss on the entire top of the head in crown area. Complete hair loss, as in men, is very rare in hereditary familial hair loss in women.

Hair loss in women progresses in the crown area @tanya78 – AdobeStock

4. How is androgenetic hair loss diagnosed?

A dermatologist experienced in hair loss treatment like dermatologist Dr. Hero Schnitzler in Zurich Enge, is usually sufficient to diagnose the appearance and cause of the hair loss.

In addition, taking hair samples, blood tests, and a microscopic examination of the hair roots can help diagnose the particular type of hair loss. The appropriate treatment for the hair loss can begin.

5. What is the cause of hereditary hair loss in men and women and are these causes treatable?

The causes of hereditary or genetic alopecia are mostly due to the hormonally related shortened growth phase of the hair. Hair loss can be prevented, and hair loss can be treated by extending the growth phase.

6. Can hereditary hair loss be prevented?

With an early treatment against hair loss tailored to the patient, the progressive hair loss can be prevented and stopped.

7. What does the therapy or treatment for familial increased hair loss look like?

Hereditary hair loss in men and women is based on the hypersensitivity of the hair follicles to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

For women, external therapy with estrogens is available for hair loss treatment.

The active ingredient is the hormone derivative Minoxidil and used in various concentrations to treat hair loss in men and women. This reduces the effect of DHT and extends the hair growth phase.

For men, Finasteride (Propecia®) tablets are still available to treat and prevent hair loss. This “5-alpha reductase inhibitor” obstructs the formation of DHT. The effectiveness of this treatment for hair loss has been proven in clinical studies of over 1,000 men. If side effects occur during this hair loss therapy, the preparation must be discontinued.

8. Is there a new and natural treatment for hair loss for men and women or a way to prevent hair loss?

In dermatology, since a long time, treatment with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has established itself as an effective therapy against hair loss as well as for other indications (wrinkle treatment, collagen build-up in the skin). Many observational studies and research have shown that this treatment helps against hair loss and that it can be used to prevent hair loss in men and women.

To treat hair loss with this method or to prevent hair loss, a small amount of blood is drawn from the patient’s arm.


Dermatologist draws blood to obtain platelet-rich-plasma (PRP)

the dermatologist draws blood with a fine needle to obtain platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

The plasma is separated from the remaining components of the blood by a certain medical laboratory method and the growth factors in the plasma are concentrated.

The platelet-rich plasma is then injected into the scalp with microfine needles.

Since this method can be painful, pretreatment with local anesthesia using the TDA method is recommend.

The platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is obtained in the centrifuge.

Dermatologist injects the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) into the scalp with the finest needles. @Elena – AdobeStock

Dermatologist anesthetizes the scalp before the injection using transdermal application (TDA)

This therapy is carried out three times at one-month intervals, the result set in afterwards, and most patients have a positive result.

9. What results can be expected from a therapy against hair loss?

Hair loss ceases in most patients with the treatments and preventive measures for har loss listed here.

Many patients can observe thickening and increased hair growth.

There is however no guaranteed method to prevent hair loss.

10. What does it cost to treat or prevent hair loss?

The costs are very different. External hair loss treatments with various hormone tinctures are the least expensive alternative. Tablets to lengthen the growth phase in male pattern baldness cost slightly more.

The most complex treatment is with PRP, since this also means a greater expenditure of material, laboratory tests, and time for the experienced dermatologist. In lieu of the higher costs, it works without chemicals and is based on the body’s own self-healing tendencies.

Health insurance companies rarely cover the treatment of a family-related hair loss in men and women.

11. What is a hair transplant?

Hair transplantation is mostly done to treat male pattern baldness. During this complex procedure, hair follicles are removed from the back of the head and implanted into the bald areas of the top of the head.

Hair transplantation cannot prevent the loss from other hairs.

12. What other types of hair loss are there?

Spot baldness (alopecia areata) is less common, but very stressful for the men and women affected. Even more rare is a condition whereby scar tissue forms on the scalp causing permanent hair loss.

Alopecia areata, or spot baldness, is an autoimmune disease that affects the hair follicle. The hair falls out in small round patches (also in the beard area). Alopecia totalis is another form which can lead to complete baldness of the scalp. Complete hair loss over the entire body, alopecia universalis, is the most extreme form of this autoimmune disease.

Spot baldness on the back of the head @Alex Papp – AdobeStock

The treatment of this type of hair loss consists of external as well as intralesional application and the use of anti-inflammatory preparations.

Prior to this hair loss treatment, additional examinations of the patient must be carried out. Men and women who are prone to allergies and neurodermatitis as well as vitiligo (causing depigmentation), are often affected by this type of hair loss.

Alopecia areata atrophicans, which is also known as Pseudopelade Brocq is a special form of alopecia areata. It begins insidiously with small patches of hair loss. The skin of the hairless patches becomes shiny and reddened. With this disease, hair loss is progressive and irreversible.

13. Facts on Hair Loss:

  • Hereditary hair loss is very common
  • Both men and women suffer from hair loss
  • Prevention is possible
  • Hair loss can be treated
  • Hair loss treatment is adapted to the stage of hair loss
  • There are new treatments for hair loss
  • Newer methods against hair loss do not require chemicals

Autor - Dr. med. Hero P. D. Schnitzler

I am Dr. Hero P. D. Schnitzler and founded the derma competence center in Zurich Enge in 2015, which I have been managing with heart, soul and professional competence ever since.

I am a member of various Swiss and international professional societies and a long-time lecturer for aesthetic laser medicine (D.A.L.M.) at the University of Greifswald, and for the Swiss skills program FMCH laser treatments of the skin.