In addition to hand, foot and genital warts caused by an HPV, dermatologist Dr. Schnitzler with his practice in Zurich Enge, also sees a variety of other warts.
A distinction is made between real warts, caused by an HPV, and fake warts, which are not caused by an HPV.
And Dr. med. Schnitzler also uses the appropriate treatment method depending on the type of warts and a consultation with the patient.
Table of contents
Real Warts
1. Filiform Warts (digitate warts)
Filiform warts, also known as digitate warts, are common.
What do filiform warts look like?
Filiform warts can usually be recognized by their typical surface structure. Spiky, thread-like projections or runners rise from a cylindrical base.
How do filiform warts develop?
They are mostly caused by HP virus subtype 7. The infection usually occurs through contact with a contaminated surface or skin-to-skin (hands, fingers).
Where do filiform warts occur?
Typically, and often these warts can be found on the face, neck, and especially the eyelids of adults.
How are filiform warts treated?
Most of the time, these warts respond well to antiviral tinctures. They usually heal after a short treatment period. If they are on the eyelid or around the eyes, they should be removed by a dermatologist such as Dr. Schnitzler in Zurich Enge.
2. Flat Warts (juvenile warts)
Flat warts are also called juvenile warts.
What to flat warts look like?
Juvenile warts are usually groups of small, pinhead-sized, flat superficial warts.
How do flat warts develop?
They are mostly caused by the HP virus subtype HPV 3. 10, 28, 41. The infection also mostly occurs through skin-to-skin contact (hands, fingers), or touching a contaminated surface.
Where do flat warts occur?
Typically, and often these warts can be found on the backs of hands (less often on the top of the foot), on the chin and eyelids. Unlike warts on the soles of feet or on the finger, these are never painful.
How are juvenile warts treated?
In most cases, these small warts go away on their own.
Their disappearance can be accelerated by the application of salicylic solutions. This is usually all that is necessary.
Fake Warts
3. Water Warts (molluscum contagiosum)
Mollusca contagiosum or water warts occur almost exclusively in children.
What do water warts look like?
This type of wart has a typical raised spherical shape with a small indentation or dimple near the middle.
The small, raised lumps are filled with a gel-like substance.
How do water warts form?
Water warts often develop in children with very dry skin (or prone to neurodermatitis). They are not triggered by a HPV, but a type of smallpox virus, the molluscum contagiosum virus.
Where do water warts occur?
Especially where skin lies on skin; the crooks of the arm, armpits, groin, and thighs are common. They also appear on the face. Because their fluid content is also infectious, these warts often spread in groups.
How are water warts treated?
In most cases, drying lotions or tinctures developed specifically for water warts are sufficient. If this is not sufficient, water warts can also be removed. However, this is painful for the little patients and scars can remain.
* Dermatologists now have a new treatment method with Cantharidin (Canthacur®) at their disposal.
Cantharidin is a natural substance from the blister beetle.
While the treatment by dermatologists or their medical staff a very small amount of the Cantharidin solution is applied to the top of each lesion with a pointed wooden pick and allowed to dry.
A blistering under the wart is the desired result. Most water warts heal after one session.
4. Age Warts (seborrheic keratoses)
Age warts or “seborrheic keratoses” develop in a very large number of people during their lives.
What do age warts look like?
These warts vary in size, are mostly brown in color and have a rough, greasy-looking surface.
How are age warts treated?
Age warts, like many benign skin tumors, are particularly suitable for scar-free removal with the erbium laser. With this procedure the wart is gradually removed in a targeted process.
Age warts can also be frozen and surgically scraped off, but this is not as gentle and has more side effects than lasering.
Treatment Methods:
- Freezing
- Scraping (curettage)
- Lasering (most successful)
5. Skin Tags (fibroma)
Skin tags or fibroma are medically known as acrochordons. As like age warts they tend to develop over the course of life.
What do skin tags look like?
Skin tags are small, soft, skin-colored, or brownish globules that hang on the skin like a cluster of fruit on a small stem.
What Causes Skin Tags?
There is no known real cause for skin tags. Possibly increased friction is an explanation. They are also not caused by a virus.
Where do skin tags occur?
Skin tags usually occur where the skin rubs against skin such as the folds in the groin area, armpits, under the chest, neck, and eyelids. They are more common in obese people.
How are skin tags treated?
Skin tags should be professionally removed by a dermatologist. This can be done surgically, with electrolysis (direct current) or with a laser. Attempts to remove skin tags by yourself often leads to increased bleeding and infection.
Autor - Dr. med. Hero P. D. Schnitzler
I am Dr. Hero P. D. Schnitzler and founded the derma competence center in Zurich Enge in 2015, which I have been managing with heart, soul and professional competence ever since.
I am a member of various Swiss and international professional societies and a long-time lecturer for aesthetic laser medicine (D.A.L.M.) at the University of Greifswald, and for the Swiss skills program FMCH laser treatments of the skin.