aesthetic treatments, Dr. med. Hero Schnitzler, For colleagues
Mooci, quality instance: Dr. med. Hero Schnitzler about Laser Therapy against Couperose, Angiomas & Co
Angiomas, Spider Nevi, Telangiectasia, Spider Veins, Cherry Angiomas, Couperose, Rosacea, Nevus Flammeus or port-wine stains and many others are in most cases only aesthetically disturbing vascular anomalies.
They generally pose no direct health threat but may often affect patients in their daily life. The appropriate laser therapy, with use of a special vascular lasers by a skin disease offers an excellent treatment to improve the skin. Dr. Hero Schnitzler, Dermatologist writes in his article about the different problems and their treatments with laser
Cherry Angiomas are benign papules or growths of small blood vessels. These flat vascular networks or blood red papules are medically known as hemangioma or angioma. They appear under or on the surface of the skin when tiny blood vessels grow in a spongy mass. Most often, the millimeter-sized blood red papules appear increasingly during mid-life and are typically found on the torso. This very common, but very harmless variation of Cherry Angiomas are senile angiomas. They range from a pin head to a small pea in size and vary from dark red or bluish purple in color. Some people are practically speckled with them while others develop a random few over the course of life. They are completely harmless small round clusters of blood vessels. Angiomas react best to a laser therapy with the long-pulse Neodymium:Yag or KTP Lasers.
Port-wine stains are usually present at birth. In the field of dermatology, port-wine stains are called Nevus Flammeus (fiery red mark). These strongly irregular dark red to purple marks enlarge with growth. However, even these can effectively yet gently be treated with our special laser.
Individual dilated blood vessels can appear as spider nevus. These consist of a central bright red blood vessel from which further thinning red blood vessels, resembling a spider legs, extend like thin threads towards the skin’s surface. This condition is also known as spider telangiectasia. By pressing down with a glass spatula, the spider nevus can be pushed back to a bright red pulsing point. Spider nevus commonly appear on the chest, face, forehead and neck.Enlarged bluish red blood vessels can also appear in the nostrils. These fall under telangiectasia, respectively nasal ala-vessels. And as with spider nevus, they react equally as well to laser therapy.
Small flat expanded capillaries around the nose and on the cheeks are known as Couperose. These tiny blood vessels are harmless but considerably distort the skins appearance and often give the impression of red flushing in the face.
The Treatment with topical application of antibiotic creams or with prescription creams can clear up the blood vessels for a period of time. The vascular changes cannot be significantly improved with such creams. The dilated blood vessels can however, be maintained with laser therapy from a laser therapy specialist.
Through treatment with a vascular laser, the blood absorbs the energy from the laser light and the targeted vein is sealed. The sealed vein is then naturally absorbed by the body. A single treatment takes about 30 minutes. Depending on the characteristics of the vein, more than one sitting might be necessary, which are then scheduled about 4 weeks apart. After treatment, the skin may appear slightly red. The redness subsides after a few hours or days end. Very seldom, minor swelling may occur. The surrounding skin’s surface of the treated vein is not affected, and therefore, with laser therapy performed by a laser specialist, there is no concern of scarring. After laser therapy, the treated area is very sensitive to sunlight and should be protected for at least four to six weeks to prevent any pigment changes in the treated area.