This current interview is concerned with skin disorders resulting from or made worse by facemask mandates during the Corona pandemic.
Rashes from wearing the masks involve the face and greatly burden the afflicted. However, such conditions can be well treated by a dermatologist to quickly relieve the affected.
As like many times before, dermatologist Dr. Hero Schnitzler with his dermatology and laser practice in Zurich Enge, was once again interviewed by TCS about skin diseases
You can read the entire interview here:
Unfortunately, the interview is not available in English.
DE – German: Schutzmasken: Was sollte man bei Hautirritationen tun?
FR – French: Masques de protection : que faire en cas d’irritation cutanée ?
IT – Italian:Mascherine protettive: cosa fare se la pelle si irrita?
Dermatologists Dr. Schnitzler has previously been interviewed about neurodermatitis, a skin condition with which many people must live.
You can read the entire interview here:
Unfortunately, the interview is not available in English.
DE – German: Neurodermitis: Was der Experte rät
FR – French: Névrodermite / eczéma atopique : Conseils de l’expert
IT – Italian: Neurodermite: i consigli dell’esperto
An interview on the widespread age i.e., sunspots is planned for this summer.