Scar Therapy ³ – Triple Action Against Scars.

Scars develop after injuries to the skin, accidents, illnesses or surgeries.

Their appearance can vary greatly. Some are barely noticeable, while others can be painful, restrictive and aesthetically distressing.

There are many types of scars. These range from stretch marks and acne scars to atrophic or hypertrophic scars and even keloidal (bulky) scars.

stretch marks
@ Андрей К – AdopeStock

acne scars
@ Artskrin – AdopeStock

keloidal (bulky) scars
@ ReaLilia – AdopeStock

What all scares have in common is that they affect the different layers of the skin. Following the initial event, the affected tissue was replaced by new tissue, which differs in structure and appearance from the surrounding skin.

What does scar therapy enable?

Effective scar therapy requires an accurate assessment of the scar type by a dermatologist, such as Dr. Schnitzler and colleagues at derma competence center in Zurich Enge.

Skin layers and their treatment options

The subsequent scar therapy should target the primarily affected skin layer.

  • Fractional Laser: Stimulates the superficial skin structure through tiny laser lesions
  • Mircroneedeling with radio frequency: Stimulates the middle skin layers
  • Carboxytherapy: Stimulates the deep layers and subcutaneous tissue

Various therapy options are available at derma competence center for the different skin layers.

This combination allows for a triple-targeted treatment of scars. The effects work to support each other.

This leads to transformation of the scar tissue, making it resemble healthy skin more closely, resulting in less noticeable and less bothersome scars.

Of course, scars do not disappear after a single session. However, they become less noticeable after each session, which are barely painful, and gradually blend in with healthy skin.

If you have scars that bother you, we will be happy to help!

Autor - Dr. med. Hero P. D. Schnitzler

I am Dr. Hero P. D. Schnitzler and founded the derma competence center in Zurich Enge in 2015, which I have been managing with heart, soul and professional competence ever since.

I am a member of various Swiss and international professional societies and a long-time lecturer for aesthetic laser medicine (D.A.L.M.) at the University of Greifswald, and for the Swiss skills program FMCH laser treatments of the skin.